When and why did you start taking analogue photos?
I finished my first Degree in Journalism but I never been a Photo reporter before. Because a long time ago I started taking analogue portraits
How many cameras do you have and which one is your favorite?
Hahahaha... It's hard to tell you the exact numbers, because I never count. I use a half frame camera, Lomo, 135, Medium Format , Large Format and Polaroid too. I use Ebony 45SU (4x5 Large Format) and Philips & son 8x10 Explorer (8x10 Large Format) for recently.
Where do you buy gear or film in HK and where do you develop your film?
I like B&W Photography and develop it by myself. Most of my gear is from second hand shop in Hong Kong, eBay and some Camera Collectors.
Here are some of his photos on flickr