This is the first part of a series on analogue photographers in Hong Kong
ALEX S.F.C (Alex Chen) takes stunning film photographs in Hong Kong. I especially like his night time shots.
Check out his flickr stream.
When and why did you start taking analogue photos?
I started taking film since 2004 as I was amazed by film's texture. The first film camera I used was Lomo LCA, followed by Contax T3 which is a point-and-shoot camera, but it surpasses the quality of many DSLR.
How many cameras do you have and which one is your favorite?
I have 7 film cameras and 1 DC. Leica MP is my all time favourite, I love its classic outlook, sturdy metallic body, high reliability, silent shutter and function-able even without battery.
Where do you buy gear or film in HK and where do you develop your film?
Most of my cameras were bought from the Internet. I have my films developed in Colorluxe Express in Wan Chai.